Taking Hope to the African Bush

EveryBody’s Hope exists to make disciples in the African bush by starting churches, strengthening churches, and training pastors and leaders for those churches

“Many a morning have I stood on the porch of my house, surveying the landscape. In the vast plain to the north, I have seen, at different times, the smoke of a thousand villages—villages whose people are without Christ, without God, and without hope in the world.”
                        Robert Moffat, Missionary to Africa, 1795-1883

Making Disciples

The Great Commission tells us to “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations.” Matthew 28:18

This is what EveryBody’s Hope is all about. Starting and strengthening churches and training pastors and church leaders is what we do. Making disciples is why.

Starting and Strengthening Churches

We start and strengthen churches in villages in the African bush. These are places that face spiritual darkness and all that entails - cults teaching a false gospel, open hostility to our work, and demonic activity that enslaves people. We shine light into these dark regions - the light is the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Training Pastors and Church Leaders

We understand that we can plant churches across Zambia and Malawi but unless we have great pastors to lead these churches, our churches will struggle to survive. We train, equip, and resource great pastors for the great work of pastoring these churches.